New format and a different take on things. I will not be posting here any more.
OK, I have tried to make this blog exclusively about fast cars and cool guns, but right now I feel absolutely FORCED to make a post or two about PREPPING! Why? Because it has lately become a rage across the country . . and I can even extrapolate a post about the guns and vehicles of preppers! Do preppers have fast cars and cool guns? No. They have Suburbans and school buses and ugly Russian antique guns. Maybe we need to focus on the possibilities that are out there for the preppers. For instance, a good prepper side arm could be a Kimber instead of a Yugoslavian commie POS like the T33:

It's ugly and even looks like it was designed by the central committee. Why not get a really cool personal protection side arm like the previously mentioned Kimber:

Then there is the alternative to the school bus for a bug out vehicle. Seriously? A freakin' SCHOOL BUS? I guess there might be some available real cheap down in New Orleans.

I say get a cool prepper bug out vehicle like this thing:

This outfit screams: Get the h*ll out of my way or I will absolutely CRUSH you.
HERE is another guy's idea on the perfect bug out vehicle.
What say you? Are you PREPARED? Are you on your way to being a prepper?
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